WinShape Camps
Kids Were Made For This
WinShape creates next-level camps that turn summers into meaningful experiences for campers and families. Camp is the place where friendships take root, personal growth is front and center, and faith runs through all you do. Camp is the place for life-changing, memory-making and adventure-taking awesomeness.

WinShape Teams
Experiences That Make Stronger Teams and Leaders
We’ve been developing stronger, better-connected teams and leaders since 1991. When you team up with us, you have a partner that’s just as invested in your success as you are. We scrap the one-size-fits-all approach to team and leadership development to instead provide thoughtful programming that’s tailored to your goals and needs.

WinShape College Program
A Launchpad for Your Leadership
Discover how to make the most of these meaningful years by living and leading with purpose. The WinShape College Program guides students at Berry College along an intentional path that cultivates their God-given potential, with our on-campus community that prepares them to shepherd others to a deeper faith.

WinShape Homes
Partnering with families and the church to give every child the chance to find home
Parents in WinShape Homes’ group care and foster care programs receive unlimited support so they can give hurting children an unparalleled level of care. Our method is deliberate, based in the Christian faith and proven with time-tested outcomes that transform the lives of children in need.

WinShape Marriage
Experiences That Build Stronger Marriages
“Almost every one of our leaders that we have brought to WinShape Teams is still on our team, and many of them are flourishing in leadership roles. The members of my team that you have interacted with are much more effective at serving our guests and leading our team, as a result of your influence.”
J. Wynn
CFA AT Veterans & College
“I would tell any kid that WinShape is better than Disney.”
WinShape Camper
“I don’t know if my words could ever truly express what this experience has done for me. I came in feeling unloved, unwanted, ashamed and unaccepted. I have always felt I wasn’t good enough. During my time here, God has shown me that I am accepted, loved and included.”
Marriage Intensive Participant
WinShape Marriage
“The WinShape College Program is a well-designed, holistic program with a proven track record of accelerating the development of emerging leaders. Anchored by a commitment to living a life rooted and grounded in Christ, this four-year journey combines culturally relevant training with timeless truths that produce life-changing results. Every student serious about being stretched academically, relationally, and spiritually should consider WinShape College Program.”
Steve Moore
President & CEO, The Mission Exchange/Founder, Keep Growing Inc.
“I've appreciated the incredible curriculum that we learn here at WinShape. It's theologically rich, practically applicable, and it's so valuable to have staff that care about preparing us for the spiritual life in college and the years to come. ”
Michael Shaw
College Program Graduate
“As a newly formed team, our experience at WinShape Teams definitely got us off to a good start. Having a shared experience where we all learned together helped immensely. We are continuing to learn about each other and growing our trust and confidence in one another.”